Like a hotel bed with a short quilt, there is often a gap in a vendor content or product marketing strategy that can leave the prospective customer cold.
The pandemic is going to leave a lasting change in how we do business, and buyer behavior will change. Many executives we talk to are using this time to reset, change their processes, and B2B product marketers need to take this opportunity to review and adjust how they approach their buyers, this article shares some of those changes and what B2B marketers need to do to react.
According to research from the Content Marketing Institute, case studies are the highest performing content marketing for B2B technology marketers. However, many fall short of the mark, fail to deliver the insight the buyer is looking for, and are a lost opportunity. In this article, we share some tips for great vendor case studies.
Despite the rise of B2B influencers, our increased ability to connect to buyers through social selling and content marketing, the big analyst firms, like Forrester, Gartner, and IDC are still hugely influential in shaping software categories and markets, especially in the risk-averse world of the big corporates.
Taking the time to define a brand story is necessary and fantastic, but changing the definition of a category, owning the story of the market in which you play is hugely powerful.
The next wave of customer engagement is not about how wonderfully personalized our websites are, it’s going to be more than that. We need to learn the lessons of personalization and truly engage our consumers on the channel of their choice