Based on our decades of industry experience, a focused set of marketing services aimed at creating ART (Awareness, Revenue and Trust) for innovative software vendors.
category and market advisory
Periscope up!
We provide that essential “outside-in” perspective, from our research and decades of marketing technology experience to guide innovators to be category leaders
- Category insight
- Competitor research
- Influencer and analyst research
- Buyer persona insight
- Customer journey research
- Messaging and go-to-market strategy
“The story about your business is more important than the facts about your business. Sound outrageous? Maybe, but the brain research proves it’s true. People relate to and remember stories—even people who make a living analyzing facts.”
Al Ramadan, Play Bigger: How Pirates, Dreamers, and Innovators Create and Dominate Markets
content marketing
No, not a viral video agency, but a specialist service for B2B software vendors to help you tell your story.
We help vendors move from a feature fight to something memorable people want to be part of, useful and the best answer to the buyers question.
- Content marketing strategy
- Persona and customer journey insight
- “Best answer” content mapping
- Editorial development and support
- Case study development
- Content hub development
- Influencer recruitment
“Providers are known for their platitudes, and less for the substance of their claims, so I took their marketing materials with a grain of salt.” –
Trust Radius Research
thought leadership
Trust in vendor content is down, but content consumption by buyers and their influencers is up. Many analysts have recognised that the product research phase of a B2B buyers journey defines the view of a vendor before they make contact or meet a sales person.
We help create trusted content that moves the buyer through the journey from research to pipeline.
- Thought leadership program development
- Sponsored industry research papers, briefs and eBooks
- Blog development
- Virtual events, webinars and roundtables
- Thought leadership promotion and campaigns
89% of buyers stated that thought leadership enhances their perception of a vendor
2020 B2B Thought Leadership Impact Survey’ conducted by Edelman and LinkedIn