The key to the “martech insiders” promise in our name is our experience. We’ve helped marketing technology vendors find their place in the market, understand their category and competitors, define their message, and tell their story. We’ve worked with industry clients to help them understand the market, get the most from their existing martech investment, and find technical solutions to support their digital transformation. We’ve also helped investors and vendors with merger and acquisition due diligence with assessments of a vendor’s message, place in their category, and technology.

Here are some examples:


An innovative startup with a great idea

Our insider knowledge helped an innovative AI/ML startup build a value proposition around their technology, understand their place in their category, and prepare their story for investors, prospective clients, and strategic partnerships.


A vendor with an acquisition target

Our insiders have seen many acquisitions and know what makes a good one. Reviewed the technology and market positioning of a UK vendor as part of acquisition due diligence for a European vendor


A conglomerate wanting to be direct

This enormous industrial and commercial products manufacturer was looking for some insider’s help on how to get their long tail of products directly to consumers with an eCommerce strategy and tools.


A CMO in a hurry

Supported a new martech CMO in their first 90 days with our insider’s experience to understand the market, define personas, and develop refreshed relevant messaging and a strategic plan.


A global vendor with a content crisis

We conducted an insider’s evaluation of content tools and processes for this global organization looking to upgrade their content game. Recommended a strategy to get more from their existing marketing technology stack and defined a strategy for a centralized content hub.


A martech vendor looking for influence

Our market inside knowledge helped this global martech vendor put together an influencer marketing program to support events and thought leadership.


A financial institution needing a check-up

We took a trip to the big apple to work with a global financial institution that was looking for an insider’s perspective on their investment in a content management system and its subsequent implementation.


A vendor wanting to connect

We’ve created several digital publications or content hubs that have driven awareness and lead generation for vendors looking to connect with their buyers through research and thought leadership.

start with a free consultation?

They say a problem shared is a problem halved and we love to chat about this stuff. In a free consultation, we will give some quick insiders insight into your challenge, share our experience in more detail and discuss how we might be able to help,

market research

We have a passion and curiosity for marketing technology, the problems it solves, and the opportunities it creates for marketers. Our industry research explores the challenges for customer experience leaders and marketers today and how technology can help.

client services

There are over 8000 vendors that claim to provide marketing technology across around 50 categories. We help our clients find their needle in that haystack, that maybe isn’t the obvious choice from a generic analysts’ magic wave, but is the perfect fit.

vendor advisory

We work with innovative vendors and help them understand their category, be relevant to the market, to tell their differentiated story, and create value for their clients and trust in the marketplace. Things features and functions don’t achieve on their own.